1.Team player and doing what best for the team.
2.Pleasing the others in the group.
3.Proving to others how good I can be.
When you are working as one that is part of a group, how do you find yourself more acting? It is good to be able to reflect for yourself on the role which you act and move when you are part of a team. No one need you to make the effort and energy to prove how good you can be. Your actions and your contribution to the end result will be notice spontaneously by everyone that are with you. It is important always that you will know to Be Yourself and act accordingly. The nature of team work is that each one brings to the team their own unique value and the free willing of making the positive effort to support all the team members by doing some duties which are not usually part of your responsibility or duty. Providing yourself to the team with your pure Heart intention to help everyone, will only give you the peace of mind to do your work in the best way that you can give yourself and the clarity of your mental thinking will be present at what is in front of you instead of shifting yourself to unnecessary situations with any of the team members. Any other behavior then of a team player can be a sign of something that you are holding with yourself from your past and because of some past experiences, you behave different then what you can, and the end result will reflect not in a good way on you. When someone in a group try to please everyone else, afraid to express their opinion, or always try to impress others, that person actually working harder to hide some personal fears of their personal past which has not been resolved after so many years. Trying to satisfy the team members will always be a never ending work, and in most cases few of the team will not be so impress or not even notice what was the work and achievement that you have brought into the group. The more that you act according to your self identity, you are really holding into your personal positive power and able to be more stable with your general performance while sharing your true inner power. Therefore, you are more encourage to use your personal sources and individuality in a natural way instead of being someone that you will not be able to be for a long time. Like that, you don’t need to think even of how to prove to your team member who you are. As long as you remember to Be Yourself and to act from your pure Heart accordingly. Even your voice and words will be more clear and defiantly in alignment with your behavior and together will let you the strength to create good results for everyone around you. Balance every action with laughter and joy when it is possible. Like so, you will release from your Solar plexus Chakra emotions that are preventing you from being your true self. However, recognize compassion to one self, knowing that it will be ok, and showing compassion to others in the team, only invite more tolerance personality and ability to see the good that would be. The symmetry of your actions will help the circle of the team to stay open for new ideas from all directions. Live Laugh Love.